Tag: recommendations
Best Books to Read on Spring Break/Summer Vacation
1. It Happened One Summer It Happened One Summer is the perfect book to read on a beach or a long car drive. This book centers around Piper, who is a spoiled diva living in Las Angeles. One day, she parties a bit too hard and her mother and stepfather decide to send her to… Read more
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
Wow. Where to even start with this one? This is one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read. This book took hold of my heart and soul and refused to let go until I had finished it. This review will not contain spoilers but will contain a description of the plot. This book centers… Read more
Five Over hyped Booktok Books and What You Should Read Instead
With the whirlwind that is social media, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information available. When you stumble on Booktok, the name for the book recommendation section of TikTok, you will experience this phenomenon tenfold. When I first discovered Booktok, I saw some of the same titles popping up repeatedly,… Read more